Gardening School
Series 27

Southern California Garden Club invites you to attend the National Garden Clubs Gardening School. This is a series of four ten-hour courses offered by National Garden Clubs since 1958.
This is the 27th series given in California. Courses are designed to stimulate interest in all phases of landscape design and to develop greater appreciation, pride and knowledge about residential, public and historic gardens.
2025 Course Dates
1st Course - July 10 & 11
2nd Course - August 14 & 15
3rd Course - September 25 & 26
4th Course - October 23 & 24
Sepulveda Garden Center
16633 Magnolia Blvd
Encino, CA 91436

Lecture Topics by Course
Basic Botany
Techniques for Growing Outdoor Flowers
Plant Propagation
Evolution & Geographic Origin of Garden Plants
Plant Diseases & Garden Pests
Irrigation & Water
Lawn Alternatives & Growing Grass
​Growing Fruit
Growing Vegetables
Hydroponic Gardening
Factors that Influence Plant Growth
New Plant Development & Evaluation
Container Gardening Outdoors
Houseplant Basics
Native Trees & Shrubs
Teaching Tour
Planning & Maintaining Shade Gardens
Plant Classification & Nomenclature
Outdoor Identification of Plants
Specialized Styles of Gardening
Techniques for Growing Woody Ornamentals
Pruning Techniques
Non-flowering Plants: Fungi, Grasses, Mosses, Horsetails, Ferns
Course Details
National Garden Clubs, Inc. established a series of four
courses on gardening in order to develop a
greater appreciation of the environment, both natural
and manmade, for its members. Course content is
established by National Garden Clubs, Inc. (NGC).
The Gardening Schools (GS) are designed to:
Stimulate interest in the growth of plants.
Provide and understanding of how and why a plant grows.
Teach soil structure and how to make soil more productive.
Provide an understanding of plants' reactions to their environment and how to encourage optimum growth.
Provide an understanding of chemicals used in general horticultural procedures.
Illustrate methods for rapid propagation.
Offer plant identification instruction.
Explore growing techniques for garden plants, vegetables, fruits, houseplants, trees, shrubs and specialized styles of gardening.
Courses may be taken in any order. Each course
consists of ten hours of instruction. Open
book/open note exams are offered for those wishing to
become NGC Accredited Consultants. Garden club members who complete all four courses with a passing grade on every exam within seven years become Gardening Consultants, which is recognized as a special achievement among NGC members... but does not convey professional status.
To remain in Good Standing, every five years
Gardening Consultants must continue their
education by attending a Refresher or a Gardening School
Course – no exam is required. After a Consultant’s
fourth refresher, the Consultant becomes a Master
Consultant. Consultants or Master Consultants may
earn refresher credit only once within a calendar year.

Contact Information
For detailed Garden School course information you may visit the National Garden Clubs website at www.gardenclub.org
You may also reach the Chairman, Robin Pokorski, at CGCIRobin@gmail.com or