An National Garden Club Flower Show
The 57th National Garden Flower Show was a huge success. We are so very happy to announce the 2024 winners. Please keep a look out for the 2025 flower show details like dates, time and how to participate!
Located at the
Sepulveda Garden Center
16633 Magnolia Blvd.
Encino, CA 91436
Saturday April 27, 2024
9:00 am to 1:30 pm
Free Admission
57th Flower Show
Wildfire-Designer's Choice Class 1

Greg Pokorski-Blue Ribbon Winner
Wildfire Runner Ups
Underwater Design-Class 2
Diana Eishkhanian-Blue Ribbon Winner
6 inch Designer's Choice-Class 4 Petite
Chandra Vanderhorst-Blue Ribbon Winner

This is a Standard Flower Show conforming to the requirements and objectives set down by National Garden Clubs, Inc. and the 2023 Handbook for Flower Shows. This schedule is the law of the show.
1. All classes are open to any amateur gardener or designer.
2. Entries will be accepted between 7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. on Friday, April 26, 2024. Only necessary personnel will be allowed in the Show during the judging. Late entries will be accepted for exhibition only.
3. All entries must have an official entry card furnished by the committee, and must be completed by the exhibitor with name, division, and class number according to the schedule.
4. No plant on the California Conservation List may be used except in the Educational Division. See page 7.
5. There is an emphasis on fresh plant material. No artificial plant material is permitted in any division.
6. National Garden Clubs Accredited Judges will judge the Flower Show. Student Judges may also judge on a panel with two Accredited Judges. Judging will begin at 12:15 p.m. on Friday, April 26, 2024. The decisions of the judges are final. Awards may be withheld if not merited.
7. The standard system of awarding will be used. Only one first (blue), scoring 90 or above, one second (red), scoring 85 or above and one third (yellow), scoring 80 or above, may be awarded in each class or subdivision, if merited. One or more honorable mention (white) may be given to meritorious entries scoring 75 or above.
8. Southern California Garden Club will strive to assure the safety of all items after arrival or placement but is not responsible for any loss or damage to exhibits.
9. Southern California Garden Club or the Sepulveda Garden Center will not be liable for personal injuries.
10. Exhibits must be removed immediately following the close of the show at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 27, 2024.
AWARDS OF MERIT, Rosette of orange ribbons, may be awarded to botanically named blue ribbon winner scoring 95 or above in Sections B, C, D and E.
The ARBOREAL AWARD, Rosette of green ribbons, may be awarded to one botanically named blue ribbon winner scoring 95 or above in Section G.
An AWARD OF HORTICULTURAL EXCELLENCE, Rosette of green orange and blue ribbons, may be awarded to the exhibit judged finest in entire Horticulture Division.
The DESIGNER’S CHOICE AWARD, Rosette of purple ribbons, may be awarded to one blue ribbon winner in Class 1, 2 or 3 scoring 95 or above.
The PETITE AWARD, Rosette of blue and white ribbons, may be awarded to one blue ribbon winner in Class 4, 5 or 6 scoring 95 or above.
The AWARD OF DESIGN EXCELLENCE, Rosette of gold ribbons, may be awarded to the highest scoring design exhibit in the entire Design Division.
Eligible for the EDUCATIONAL TOP EXHIBITOR AWARD, a rosette of brown and white ribbons, may be awarded to an educational exhibit scoring 95 or above.
1. Horticulture exhibits must be fresh plant material grown by the exhibitor.
2. In order to receive an NGC top Exhibitor Award, the exhibitor must identify her/his entry by its binomial name or currently acceptable scientific designation.
3. An exhibitor may enter more than one entry per class, provided each is a different variety, cultivar, type, or color.
4. All worthy cut specimens will be displayed in clear glass containers furnished by the Flower Show Committee. Inconspicuous wedging with celery or plastic wrap provided by the Show Committee is permitted.
5. Entry cards are to be completed in advance using waterproof ink or pencil if possible. Labels may also be used.
6. Cut specimens may not have foliage below the water line except for Gladiolus.
7. If a plant is designated as a flowering plant, it should be exhibited as a flowering specimen. Foliage plants should be exhibited as a foliage plant if they are grown for their leaves.
8. Specimens with a class designation listed in the schedule may not be entered in the “Any Other Worthy” class.
9. Horticulture exhibits and container-grown plants shall have been in the possession of the exhibitor for a minimum of 90 days. Containers must be between 4” and 8” in diameter. Inconspicuous double-potting is permitted.
10. The Horticulture Classification Chairman and/or the Flower Show Chairman are free to subdivide classes by color, form, size, cultivar, variety or other distinguishing characteristics.
11. The Scale of Points for Horticulture is located in Chapter 14 in the 2017 Handbook for Flower Shows.
"Weather Phenomena"
Section A - Annuals, Biennials, and Perennials grown as annuals “Hailstorms”
Class 1. Poppy (Papaver orientale) - 3 stems
2. Pansy (Viola x wittrockiana) - 3 stems
3. Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) – 1 stem
4. Any other worthy specimen
Section B - Perennials “Rain”
Eligible for the AWARD OF MERIT
Class 5. Statice (Limonium) - 1 stem
6. Bird of Paradise (Strelitzia) - 1 scape
7. Salvia - 1 stem
8. Any other worthy specimen
Section C - Pelargoniums and Geraniums “Snow”
Eligible for the AWARD OF MERIT
Class 9. Zonal (P. hortorum) - 1 truss with leaves
10. Regal or Martha Washington (P. domesticum) - 1 truss
with leaves
11. Ivy-leafed (P. peltatum) – 1 truss with leaves
12. Scented and fancy-leafed - 1 stem, bloom optional
13. Any other worthy specimen
Section D - Roses “Frost”
Eligible for the AWARD OF MERIT
Class 14. Hybrid Tea - 1 bloom per stem
15. Floribunda - 1 bloom/ 1 spray per stem
16. Miniature - 1 bloom/ 1 spray per stem
17. Any other worthy specimen
Section E - Bulbs, Corms, Tubers & Rhizomes “Earthquake”
Eligible for the AWARD OF MERIT
Class 18. Iris - 1 stem
19. Alstroemeria - 1 stem
20. Calla (Zantedeschia) - 1 scape
21. Any other worthy specimen
Section F- Vines “Cold Wave”
One stem 10” to 24” (cut end to growing tip)
Class 22. Trumpet vine (Distictis buccinatoria)
23. Jasmine (Jasminum)
24. Bougainvillea
25. Any other worthy specimen
Section G - Trees and Shrubs “Fog”
Eligible for the ARBOREAL AWARD
One branch 6” to 30” (cut end to growing tip)
Class 26. Trees and Shrubs - flowering
27. Trees and Shrubs - foliage
28. Trees and Shrubs - coniferous
29. Any other worthy named tree or shrub
Section H - Fruits, Nuts and Vegetables “Sleet”
To be displayed on plate provided by the Show Committee.
The number of specimens required is determined by size: one large, three medium, five or more small.
Class 30. Fruits other than citrus
31. Citrus
32. Vegetables
33. Nuts
Section I - Container Plants “Dirt Devil”
Containers to be between 4” and 8” in diameter.
Class 34. Flowering
35. Foliage
36. Succulent
Broadiaea pallida Chinese Camp brodiaea
Calochortus Mariposa tulip, all native species
Erythronium Fawn lily, all native species
Hesperocallus undulate Desert lily
Lilium California lily, all native species
Satcodes sanguinea Snow plant
Trillium Trillium, wake robin, all California species
Plants on the Conservation list may be exhibited only in Conservation and Education Divisions of a Standard Flower Show. Include a card stating how obtained and giving botanical and common names. Official permission is required to gather native plant material in California.
The NGC Exhibit Policies are printed in the 2023 Handbook for Flower Shows, Chapter 7, Exhibiting in the Design Division, NGC Policies and Guidelines.
Advance registration must be made with Chairman, Carol Vallens, 818-378-1313 before April 20, 2024. It is the designer’s responsibility to find a replacement if unable to participate.
All plant material used in the design must be identified on a card, provided by the exhibitor and included with the entry tag.
Rules for Design Types, Advanced Design Types, Table Designs and Table Appointments are printed in the 2023 Handbook for Flower Shows, Chapter
All design classes are open to any amateur designer. Classes are limited to four designs per class. Exhibitor may enter only one design in each class. Design must be the work of one individual.
Plant materials need not have been grown by the exhibitor.
The use of artificial plant material and the embellishment of fresh plant materials are prohibited. Treatment of dried plant material is permitted. Living plants with clean roots may be used when appropriate.
The use of any part of a plant on the California Plant Conservation List is strictly prohibited. The California Plant Conservation List is found on page 7 of this schedule.
Accessories are permitted in all classes. Underlays are permitted, and may drape over the edge of table, counter or pedestal.
Landscapes, gardens, or scenes are not permitted.
The Scale of Points for Design is listed in the 2023 Handbook for Flower Shows, Chapter 14,
“Natural Disasters”
Section A - “Get Ready, It’s Coming!”
Eligible for the DESIGNER’S CHOICE AWARD. Fresh and/or dried plant materials are permitted. Accessories may be used.
Class 1. “Wildfire”
Designer’s choice design to be staged on a rust counter in a
white niche. Underlay may be used but may not extend beyond
the counter. Space allotted 36” W x 30” D. White niche is
furnished by the Show Committee.
Class 2. “Flood”
An underwater design staged on a cream-colored table. Space
allotted: 24” W x 30” D.
Class 3. “Hurricane”
A creative design using two containers to be staged on a rust
counter. Underlay may be used but may not extend beyond the
counter. Space allotted 36” W x 30” D. White niche is furnished
by the Show Committee.
Section B - “Meteorological Disasters”
Eligible for the PETITE AWARD.
Class 4. “Cyclone”
A designer’s choice design, no more than 5” in any direction using fresh and/or dry plant material staged in a 6” black hoop to be staged on a glass shelf in a white niche. Hoop furnished by the Show Committee.
Class 5. “Blizzard"
A functional table design using fresh and/or dry plant material to be staged on a miniature table (12” round, 6” tall) furnished by the Show Committee. To be staged on a rust counter.
Class 6. “Heat Wave”
A designer’s choice design, no more than 8” in any direction using fresh and/or dry plant material to be staged on a glass shelf in a white niche.
Education Exhibits may be the work of more than one individual or
organization unless a Student Judge or an Accredited Judge is seeking exhibiting credit for preparing an education exhibit.
Names of exhibitors may appear in the schedule ONLY if the exhibits are not being judged.
Exhibits are to be staged on a rust counter. Space allotted: 48” W x 36” D.
Advance registration with the Design/Education Entries Chairman is required by April 20, 2024.
The Scale of Points for Education Exhibits is listed in the 2023 Handbook for Flower Shows, Chapter 14.
Section A - Educational Exhibits “Nature’s Beauty”
Exhibit One “Aurora Borealis” “Happy Birthday Smokey Bear”
Smokey Bear, an American campaign and advertising icon of the U.S. Forest Service in the Wildfire Prevention Campaign, celebrates his 80th birthday.
Exhibit Two “Rainbow” “NGC Landscape Design School”
Information about the upcoming NGC Landscape Design School
sponsored by Southern California Garden Club.
Exhibit Three “Lightning” “The Endangered Species Act”
Highlighting the 50th Anniversary of the Endangered Species Act.
Exhibit Four “Clouds” “Rose Garden Project”
Describes the plans and progress made to create a beautiful rose
garden at the Sepulveda Garden Center.